Friday, April 30, 2010

On the carousel so around I spin

Soo.. I have been feeling really home sick the past couple of days. I think it has to do with my foot being hurt and trying to catch up on school work but today after school Irini and I walked around the city and by the sea for a couple hours. It made me open my eyes again and realize how fortunate i am to be in this place. It has all become so "normal" that I have almost been taking it for granted not appreciating what each day brings me.

After walking around and talking to her about life and the differences in culture I just feel so free and happy with all that I have. I see people take such great things for granted and don't want to do that. Being away from "home" makes you realize the people in your life that matter and that are truly there. I am so fortunate to have so many great people in my life and I truly appreciate those people and all they do for me. I wish there was more I could do for them.

Even though I realized it when I first started college I realize more and more everyday how much my family supports me. They are always SO excited to talk to me and hear about what crazy adventures I have been experiencing. Although there are parts missing, the parts that are there make up for whatever was lost a long time ago. Im so thankful for the mother I have. Although I tell her, I dont know if she truly hears my words when I thank her daily and tell her how much I love and miss her. Without this strong woman I wouldn't be where I am now, both physically and mentally. She's my hero and makes me want to better myself and push myself daily.

Today was a day of remembrance, thankfulness, and pure joy. I love Thessaloniki and all it has shown me. The thought of going home now scares me. I have become so accustom to this crazy greek culture that returning to fast paced America is definitely going to be a shock. The fact that everything at home will have changed when I feel like it should stay the same will be different. I'm totally up for the ride of jumping back in, catching up with now distant friends and see what else awaits me at home. The summer is going to be a blast with country concerts, sushi, beaches, and familiarity again.

Well.. now that i have rambled all my current thoughts into this message its off to bake some cookies and enjoy a relaxing evening before playing in the mud tomorrow and seeing beautiful waterfalls :)
ohh how I love Greece.

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