Friday, May 28, 2010

Kastoria, Halkidiki and everything in between

Soo, the 4 of us went to Kastoria, Tina's home town. It was a pretty rainy weekend but we still made the best of it! Friday we went to dinner on the lake which was beautiful and we ate little fishy things... they were really good! Saturday we walked around the city, adventured and what not. We got coffee.. as usual and just enjoyed a relaxing day. That night we made our own dinner and just chilled at her house. It was a really nice and relaxing wknd.. really nice to be out of the city for a bit.
Last Friday the 21st, the 4 of us had our greek friends over. We taught then circle of death and attempts at beer pong. It was pretty entertaining. After we went to eightball.. which was a BLAST. We danced and danced and when we left all the sudden it was light out.. and we realized it was 6am. Soo.. went home a crashed for the ENTIRE day. Sunday and monday we went to a part of Halkidiki called Athitos. The beach was seriously soooo beautiful and i LOVED it. It was like paradise and all i want to do now is be at the beach. Getting through the next week of school is going to be a struggle. All I keep thinking about is laying out in the sun and waiting for my mom and sister to get here!
Otherwise weeks have been weeks... school and hanging out with friends continues. I have gotten so close to people its going to be weird not being around them. I feel like its going to be a harder transition going home then it was coming here. I have gotten so accustomed to the way things are done and i love that. I don't miss the fast paced ALWAYS busy feeling. I have so much free time. I know it will come to an end and I'm going to enjoy my last few weeks while i can.
Tina's birthday dinner tonight and beach all day tomorrow.. should be a great weekend :) Then moms and sisttaa next friday! CANT WAIT!

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