Thursday, February 4, 2010

First couple days!

So... we finally moved into our apartments on sunday. In our building its pretty sweet how its set up. Met a LOTTT of new ppl who are all pretty awesome. After we unpacked a goup of us went out with a guy we met who was here last semester so he showed us around during the day named richie. It was suchhh a big help. Thessaloniki is sooo beautiful and there is so much history right downtown its pretty awesome. We ate lunch at this tervina which had amazing foood

We also walked down by the ocean which was sweet too. This is place is definatly not what i expected but i still love itt! So last night we also went out with some ppl in our building. We met greek guys that are friends of the guy who showed us around which was a riot. They laughed with us and taught us some greek. i learned how to count to 3 and say purple :) ya impressive i know!!

I also tried ouzo finally which wasnt that bad. We left our apt and wandered around... stopped at a bar but wasnt very busy because it was a sunday night. We ended up eventually coming back and all just hanging out in a friends room.

on monday we woke up and went to do some grocery shopping. We went to this green market.. which was just like a farmers market back home so we baught all sorts of fruits and veggies. It was definatly a crazy enviornment.

This week has just been flying bye... i have been trying to finish this post since monday. Orientation started yesterday (wednesday feb 3) it was pretty boring but the campus tour was helpful. Afterwards we came back and 5 of us went on an adventure up the hill behind us.. The view at the top was amazing. We could see the entire city then the ocean and the mountains in the background. It was also where the castle I see out my window everyday is :) We also saw this amazing church!

Ok gotta get ready to go to some crazy carnival party... finish this tomorrow!!!

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